N6001 Upgrade Step
Boot up
Uncompressing system image: bootflash:/n6000-uk9.6.0.2.N1.2.bin Thu Jan 19 13:47:50 UTC 2012
Load plugins that defined in image conf: /isan/plugin_img/img.conf
Loading plugin 0: core_plugin...
load_plugin: Can't get exclude list from /isan/plugin/0/boot/etc/plugin_exclude.conf (rc 0x40ea0017)
Loading plugin 1: eth_plugin...
ethernet switching mode
INIT: Entering runlevel: 3
touch: cannot touch `/var/lock/s
/isan/bin/muxif_config: fex vlan id: -f,4042
Set name-type for VLAN subsystem. Should be visible in /proc/net/vlan/config
Added VLAN with VID == 4042 to IF -:muxif:-
2012 Jan 19 13:48:12 %$ VDC-1 %$ %USER-2-SYSTEM_MSG: CLIS: loading cmd files begin - clis
2012 Jan 19 13:48:21 %$ VDC-1 %$ %USER-2-SYSTEM_MSG: CLIS: loading cmd files end - clis
2012 Jan 19 13:48:21 %$ VDC-1 %$ %USER-2-SYSTEM_MSG: CLIS: init begin - clis
Be patient. Wait for a long while
System is coming up ... Please wait ...
System is coming up ... Please wait ...
System is coming up ... Please wait ...
Starting Power On Auto Provisioning...2012 Jan 19 13:52:50 %$ VDC-1 %$ %VDC_MGR-2-VDC_ONLINE: vdc 1 has come online
Abort Power On Auto Provisioning and continue with normal setup ?(yes/no)[n]: 2012 Jan 19 13:52:50 switch %$ VDC-1 %$ %POAP-2-POAP_INITED: S/N[FOC1739R137]-MAC[00:2A:6A:7C:D2:C1] - POAP process initialized
---- System Admin Account Setup ----
Do you want to enforce secure password standard (yes/no): no
Enter the password for "admin": Passw0rd
Confirm the password for "admin": Passw0rd
---- Basic System Configuration Dialog ----
This setup utility will guide you through the basic configuration of
the system. Setup configures only enough connectivity for management
of the system.
Please register Cisco Nexus 6000 Family devices promptly with your
supplier. Failure to register may affect response times for initial
service calls. Nexus devices must be registered to receive entitled
support services.
Press Enter at anytime to skip a dialog. Use ctrl-c at anytime
to skip the remaining dialogs.
Would you like to enter the basic configuration dialog (yes/no): n
Login system
User Access Verification
login: admin
Cisco Nexus Operating System (NX-OS) Software
TAC support: http://www.cisco.com/tac
Copyright (c) 2002-2013, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
The copyrights to certain works contained in this software are
owned by other third parties and used and distributed under
license. Certain components of this software are licensed under
the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2.0 or the GNU
Lesser General Public License (LGPL) Version 2.1. A copy of each
such license is available at
http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.php and
config management port
switch# conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
switch(config)# int mgmt 0
switch(config-if)# ip address
switch(config-if)# no shutdown
switch(config-if)# end
switch# ping vrf management
PING ( 56 data bytes
36 bytes from Destination Host Unreachable
Request 0 timed out
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=63 time=0.874 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=63 time=0.516 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=63 time=0.614 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=63 time=0.481 ms
--- ping statistics ---
5 packets transmitted, 4 packets received, 20.00% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 0.481/0.621/0.874 ms
copy image
switch# copy ftp://frank:cisco123@ bootflash:
Enter vrf (If no input, current vrf 'default' is considered): management
***** Transfer of file Completed Successfully *****
Copy complete, now saving to disk (please wait)...
switch# copy ftp://frank:cisco123@ bootflash:
Enter vrf (If no input, current vrf 'default' is considered): management
***** Transfer of file Completed Successfully *****
Copy complete, now saving to disk (please wait)...
NOTE: install command doesn’t take effect, and shows errors. Have to wait a while…
switch# install all kickstart bootflash:n6000-uk9-kickstart.6.0.2.N1.2a.bin system bootflash:n6000-uk9.6.0.2.N1.2a.bin
Pre-upgrade check failed. Return code 0x4093002A (all modules are not in a terminal state).
After couple minutes. Start installing
switch# install all kickstart bootflash:n6000-uk9-kickstart.6.0.2.N1.2a.bin system bootflash:n6000-uk9.6.0.2.N1.2a.bin
Verifying image bootflash:/n6000-uk9-kickstart.6.0.2.N1.2a.bin for boot variable "kickstart".
[####################] 100% -- SUCCESS
Verifying image bootflash:/n6000-uk9.6.0.2.N1.2a.bin for boot variable "system".
[####################] 100% -- SUCCESS
Verifying image type.
[####################] 100% -- SUCCESS
Extracting "system" version from image bootflash:/n6000-uk9.6.0.2.N1.2a.bin.
[####################] 100% -- SUCCESS
Extracting "kickstart" version from image bootflash:/n6000-uk9-kickstart.6.0.2.N1.2a.bin.
[####################] 100% -- SUCCESS
Extracting "bios" version from image bootflash:/n6000-uk9.6.0.2.N1.2a.bin.
[####################] 100% -- SUCCESS
Performing module support checks.
[####################] 100% -- SUCCESS
Notifying services about system upgrade.
[####################] 100% -- SUCCESS
Compatibility check is done:
Module bootable Impact Install-type Reason
------ -------- -------------- ------------ ------
1 yes disruptive reset Non-disruptive install not supported if L3 was enabled
2 yes disruptive reset Non-disruptive install not supported if L3 was enabled
Images will be upgraded according to following table:
Module Image Running-Version New-Version Upg-Required
------ ---------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ------------
1 system 6.0(2)N1(2) 6.0(2)N1(2a) yes
1 kickstart 6.0(2)N1(2) 6.0(2)N1(2a) yes
1 bios v1.5.0(12/29/2012) v1.4.0(10/29/2012) no
1 power-seq v3.0 v3.0 no
1 fabric-power-seq v3.0 v3.0 no
2 power-seq v1.0 v1.0 no
1 microcontroller v1.2.0.5 v1.0.0.1 no
Switch will be reloaded for disruptive upgrade.
Do you want to continue with the installation (y/n)? [n]y
Choose y to restart
After boot up, confirm OS
switch# show version
Cisco Nexus Operating System (NX-OS) Software
TAC support: http://www.cisco.com/tac
Documents: http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/ps9372/tsd_products_support_serie
Copyright (c) 2002-2013, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
The copyrights to certain works contained herein are owned by
other third parties and are used and distributed under license.
Some parts of this software are covered under the GNU Public
License. A copy of the license is available at
BIOS: version 1.5.0
loader: version N/A
kickstart: version 6.0(2)N1(2)
system: version 6.0(2)N1(2)
Power Sequencer Firmware:
Module 1: version v3.0
Fabric Power Sequencer Firmware: Module 1: version v3.0
Microcontroller Firmware: version v1.2.0.5
QSFP Microcontroller Firmware:
Module not detected
ESFP uC: Module 1: v1.1.0.0
BIOS compile time: 12/29/2012
kickstart image file is: bootflash:///n6000-uk9-kickstart.6.0.2.N1.2.bin
kickstart compile time: 3/14/2013 1:00:00 [03/14/2013 11:31:34]
system image file is: bootflash:///n6000-uk9.6.0.2.N1.2.bin
system compile time: 3/14/2013 1:00:00 [03/14/2013 12:57:39]
cisco Nexus 6001 Chassis ("Norcal 64 Supervisor")
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.00 with 8248476 kB of memory.
Processor Board ID FOC17421FKT
Device name: switch
bootflash: 8028160 kB
Kernel uptime is 0 day(s), 0 hour(s), 6 minute(s), 54 second(s)
Last reset at 375933 usecs after Thu Jan 19 14:00:16 2012
Reason: Reset Requested by CLI command reload
System version: 6.0(2)N1(2)
Core Plugin, Ethernet Plugin