Monday, 25 March 2019

Extension Mobility / Extension Mobility Cross Cluster (EM/EMCC)

Extension Mobility / Extension Mobility Cross Cluster

Prior to certificate consolidation, start with the cluster ID naming and Certificate export/consolidate/import is already in place for two clusters
EMCC devices available per cluster is already set to 100. Assumption is that no more than 100 EMCC users will be concurrently visiting the same cluster and use EMCC, if this is the case, it’s safe to increase the limit to 500 EMCC device. This change from 100 to 500 will not cause any IP Phone interruption.
  1. Add EMCC IP Phone Service:
Where X.X.X.X represents the IP Address of the CUCM node where EM service is activated/started.
Make sure to enable “Enterprise Subscription”, this check box will appear once only when a new service is added.
Enable EM on IP Phones:

  1. Create one partition and create one calling search space, assign the created partition to the created calling search space for emergency calling.

  1. Create extension mobility User Device Profile for end users. On the Device Profile Configuration page, for the “Extension Mobility Cross Cluster CSS” assign the CSS created in step 3.

  1. On the end user page assign the EM profile and enable EMCC


  1. Add emergency route pattern(s). Partition accessible by the calling search space assigned to UDP “Extension Mobility Cross Cluster CSS”. The Gateway/Route List MUST point to a Standard Local Route Group.

  1. Add Geo location filter to match:
  1. add/update GEO Location configuration. Example of GEO Location:

  1. On all IP Phone Device Pools, add the GEO Location Configuration created. Do not apply any GEO Location filter here.

  1. Add Roaming GEO Location configuration that will match the GEO Location configuration set on the visiting phone. This is necessary to place the visiting IP Phone in the correct Roaming device pool.

  1. Add Roaming Device Pool and apply the filter. Roaming device pool must reflect the correct time zone of the visiting cluster. Apply the GEO Location filter here. On the same Roaming device pool, make sure the correct Media Resource Group list is selected.

  1. Create EMCC SIP Trunk. Critical: the Trunk’s Inbound CSS MUST have access the emergency Route Pattern(s) partition used by the users on the visiting cluster.

  1. EMCC Feature Configuration. EMCC Region Max Audio Bit Rate value must be the same on all cluster participating in the EMCC network.

  1. EMCC Inter-cluster Service Profile. Validation must be successful.

  1. Configure Cluster View. EMCC/TFTP enabled.

VCS For Video Lync Gateway

Video Lync Gateway VCS
The VCS acts as a gateway between Skype for business and Cisco Video conferencing endpoints
The VCS communications server manages the dial-plan and call signaling for the Cisco Video conferencing environment. However it connects to a session management layer for overall dial-plan and routing decisions.
It also facilitates calls to the Microsoft SKYPE environment, B2B external calls & multi-conference calls.  The VCS delivers these features with different software workloads

VCS – Option Keys

There are multiple AD domains associated with Skype for business users, so these search rules accommodate calling to employees in,, and


B2BUA configuration

Microsoft Lync B2BUA trusted hosts

Trusted CA certificates

Tuesday, 19 March 2019

SME - Global Dial Plan Replication(GDPR)

Session Management Edition  -- Global Dial Plan Replication(GDPR)

A Global Cisco Unified Communications Session Management Edition (Unified CM SME) which is a trunk and dial plan aggregation component for multi-site distributed call processing deployments. The Global SME is essentially a Cisco Unified Call Manager Cluster with trunk interfaces and no IP endpoints. It enables aggregation of multiple Cisco communications telephony systems, known as leaf clusters.
Centralized routing diagram
Main purpose
  • Centralize dial plan
  • Connectivity to 3rd party session management
  • Dial Patterns dynamics (automation)
Server Function for CUCM will fit into one or more of the following feature sets:
  • Publisher
  • Subscriber

Publisher Service Activation
Service Name
Activation Status
This server is responsible for all of the administration updates to the other servers in the cluster. It must communicate with all other servers.

Additionally this server is used for the following functions:
  • AXL-based communications
  • Remote monitoring(SNMP)
  • directory synchronization with the AD environment using Cisco DirSync (if enabled)
  • Bulk updates using the Cisco Bulk Provisioning Service

Due to the administration overhead, Call control (Cisco CallManager), TFTP (Cisco TFTP) and media resource (Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming Application) functionality has been disabled, as to prevent CPU over-utilization.
Encryption services are also disabled, as this feature is not being deployed.
Cisco CallManager
Cisco Messaging Interface
Cisco Unified Mobile Voice Access Service
Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming App
Cisco CTIManager
Cisco Extension Mobility
Cisco Extended Functions
Cisco DHCP Monitor Service
Cisco Intercluster Lookup Service
Cisco Dialed Number Analyzer Server
Cisco Dialed Number Analyzer
Cisco TFTP
Cisco IP Manager Assistant
Cisco WebDialer Web Service
Cisco SOAP - CDRonDemand Service
Cisco CAR Web Service
Platform SOAP Services
Cisco AXL Web Service
Cisco UXL Web Service
Cisco Bulk Provisioning Service
Cisco TAPS Service
Cisco Serviceability Reporter
Cisco CallManager SNMP Service
Cisco CTL Provider Activated
Cisco Certificate Authority Proxy Function
Cisco DirSync

Subscriber Service Activation
Service Name
Activation Status
** Cisco AXL Web Service  will only be enabled for Sub1 and Sub2 on each cluster

All Subscribers
  • Cisco CallManager service is enabled
  • Cisco CallManager SNMP Service is enabled
  • Cisco Web Dialler Web Service is enabled
  • Cisco Extended Functions are enabled
Cisco CallManager
Cisco Messaging Interface
Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming App
Cisco CTIManager
Cisco Extension Mobility
Cisco Extended Functions
Cisco DHCP Monitor Service
Cisco Dialed Number Analyzer Server
Cisco Dialed Number Analyzer
Cisco TFTP
Cisco IP Manager Assistant
Cisco WebDialer Web Service
Cisco SOAP Services
Cisco AXL Web Service
Cisco UXL Web Service
Cisco TAPS Service
Cisco Serviceability Reporter
Cisco CallManager SNMP Service
Cisco CTL Provider

To ensure that the endpoints’ codec preferences are trusted as calls pass through SME, enable the SIP Profile feature “Accept Audio Codec Preferences in Received Offer” on all SIP Trunks.

Global Dial Plan Replication – GDPR and ILS

Intercluster lookup Service

The Intercluster Lookup Service (ILS) feature is used to interconnect multiple clusters together.  With the ILS cluster discovery service it provides clusters to dynamically learn about remote clusters within the ILS network.  ILS also supports the Global Dial Plan Replication (GDPR) feature. ILS and GDRP work together to dynamically share the global dial plan with all clusters within the ILS network.

Global Dial Plan Replication


The Global Dial Plan Replication (GDPR) feature uses the ILS feature to share dial plan information between clusters within the ILS network.  The information is captured by a centralized hub cluster which then propagates to all connected spoke clusters.

Menu: Advance Features > ILS Configurations; Select Role: For SME: ‘Hub Cluster’

Leaf clusters: ‘Spoke Cluster’

In the ‘ILS Cluster Registration’ pop up window, input in ‘Registration Server’: For SME: leave blank and click OK; For Leaf: Enter IP of Publisher node of hub cluster and click OK

Input check for ‘Exchange Global Dial Plan Replication Data with remote Clusters’

Enter route string for Cluster, which will populate, to all clusters within the ILS network.  Keep default of 10 minutes for ‘Synchronize Clusters Every’ field. Route string naming convention:The route string will be a combination of Cluster ID + ‘.ils’.  Example: ClusterXXX.ils

For ILS Authentication there are two options to choose from, via TLS certificates or by password.  The Password would be the same entered on all clusters.

ILS network Verification

Once you have the first two networks configured, Hub and a spoke, verify connectivity at top of page.  You may need to click on refresh button a few times. You can also temporary reduce ‘Synchronize Clusters Every’ to 1 minute.  The screen capture below indicates there is 1 hub and 1 spoke.

View from Hub:

View from Spoke:

Partitions for Learned Numbers and Patterns

Configure SIP route patterns

Call Routing > SIP Route Pattern

For SME:  create a SIP Pattern for each cluster it is connected to and assign the associated trunk for that clusters.  

For Leafs: You only need to create one SIP Pattern in each leaf.

ILS Service Parameter configuration

Determine the required max number of learned objects.  

ILS advertises locally configured enterprise alternate numbers and +E.164 alternate numbers to the ILS network where the Advertise globally via ILS option has been selected.

Click:  Add Enterprise Alternate Number