Instructions to solve FXO disconnect problem
1 Use Mic of your laptop to record hangup tone around the receiver. In order to avoid background noise, please use the useful protection for mic and phone receiver when recording 2 install cooledit, and open the caputred sampe file. see the similar and repeated wave patterns, that are hangup tones.
3 choose the part with wave and without waves and check and record the duration respectively,it is for cadence parameters. In this case cadence value is 356,fluctuation is 8。
4 Use your mouse to select the part with the tone, and then use analysis tool to record frequency
5 In the anaysis tool, move your mouse at the peak point,it’s the frequency down below. in this case frequency is 465Hz.
6 already recorded enough parameters, to configure router
in the global configure mod
voice class custom-cptone test define cptone name
dualtone disconnect configure hangup
frequency 465 frequency is 465Hz cadence 356 356 the duration, including with and without voice
voice class dualtone-detect-params 1
freq-max-deviation 25 diviation parameter, ranges between 440---490 cadence-variation 15
Voice-port 0/2/0 Supervisory disconnect dualtone mid-call enable hangup detation Supervisory custom-cptone test enable defined cpton
Supervisory dualtone-detect-params 1 Cptone CN Timeouts wait-release 5
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