Saturday, 27 January 2024

Cisco ISE Load Balancing Using BIG-IP

 ISE Load Balancing Using BIG-IP




ISE Cluster 


ISE logging




F5 network device



F5 probe user


Virtual Server: LTM Forwarding IP Configuration - Inbound



Virtual Server: LTM Forwarding IP Configuration - Outbound


Add WLC as network device and user creation in ISE



Local user creation



ISE Policy set




Health Monitor: radius_1812





ISE Filtering and Log Suppression


Irule: radius_macip_sticky

# ISE persistence iRule based on Calling-Station-Id (Client MAC Address) and Framed-IP-Address (Client IP address)



  set framed_ip [RADIUS::avp 8 ip4]

  set calling_station_id [RADIUS::avp 31 "string"]

  # log local0. "Request from $calling_station_id:$framed_ip"

  persist uie "$calling_station_id:$framed_ip"




iRule: radius_mac_sticky


# ISE persistence iRule based on Calling-Station-Id (MAC Address) with fallback to NAS-IP-Address as persistence identifier



    # 0: No Debug Logging  1: Debug Logging

    set debug 0


    # Persist timeout (seconds)

    set nas_port_type [RADIUS::avp 61 "integer"]

    if {$nas_port_type equals "19"}{

    set persist_ttl 3600

    if {$debug} {set access_media "Wireless"}

    } else {

    set persist_ttl 28800

    if {$debug} {set access_media "Wired"}



    # If MAC address is present - use it as persistent identifier

    # See Radius AV Pair documentation on

    if {[RADIUS::avp 31] ne "" }{

        set mac [RADIUS::avp 31 "string"]


        # Normalize MAC address to upper case

        set mac_up [string toupper $mac]

        persist uie $mac_up $persist_ttl       

        if {$debug} {

set target [persist lookup uie $mac_up] 

log local0.alert "Username=[RADIUS::avp 1] MAC=$mac Normal MAC=$mac_up MEDIA=$access_media TARGET=$target"



    } else {

        set nas_ip [RADIUS::avp 4 ip4]

        persist uie $nas_ip $persist_ttl

        if {$debug} {

set target [persist lookup uie $nas_ip]

log local0.alert "No MAC Address found - Using NAS IP as persist id. Username=[RADIUS::avp 1] NAS IP=$nas_ip MEDIA=$access_media TARGET=$target"






UDP Profile: ise_radius_udp


Radius Profile: ise_radiusLB


Persistence Profile:  radius_sticky















Virtual Server -  ise_radius_auth





Virtual Server -  ise_radius_acct




WLC configuration 




Source NAT for RADIUS CoA


 SNAT Pool: radius_coa_snatpool



Virtual Server: RADIUS-COA-SNAT





Load Balancing DHCP Profiling Data



interface GigabitEthernet0/1.88

 encapsulation dot1Q 88

 ip address

 ip helper-address    <--- F5 VIP


UDP Profile: ise_profiling_udp


iRule: dchp_mac_sticky



# DHCP Option Field Parser rev 0.3 (2013/02/25)


#   Written By:  Shun Takahashi


#   Original By: Jun Chen (j.chen at

#   Original At:


#   Description: iRule to demonstrate how tocapture and binary scan UDP payload

#                and store them into session table for logging enrichment and

#                intelligent traffic steering decision.


#                RFC2131 defines DHCP packet structure. This irule is to scan

#                UDP payload and store information into session tables with

#                your_ip as a key.


#                All the option and value is stored into following session table.


#                          [tabe set -subtable <your_ip_addr> <option> <value>]


#   Requirement: The rule requires virtual server to listen on DHCP traffic in the

#                middle either in inline or out of band.


#                1) In-Line to DHCP traffic


#                          profile udp udp_dhcp {

#                              allow-no-payload disabled

#                              app-service none

#                              datagram-load-balancing disabled

#                              idle-timeout immediate

#                              ip-tos-to-client 0

#                              link-qos-to-client 0

#                              proxy-mss disabled

#                          }


#                          ltm virtual vs_dhcp {

#                              destination

#                              ip-protocol udp

#                              mask any

#                              profiles {

#                                  udp_dhcp { }

#                              }

#                              rules {

#                                  dhcp_sampler

#                              }

#                              source

#                              translate-address disabled

#                              vlans {

#                                  local

#                              }

#                              vlans-enabled

#                          }


#                2) Receiving mirrored DHCP stream


#   References:  RFC 2132 DHCP Options and BOOTP Vendor Extensions

#                RFC 1533 DHCP Options and BOOTP Vendor Extensions (Obsoleted)

#                RFC 4702 The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Client

#                         Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) Option


timing off

when CLIENT_ACCEPTED priority 100 {


    # Rule Name and Version shown in the log

    set static::RULE_NAME "Simple DHCP Parser v0.3"

    set static::RULE_ID   "dhcp_parser"


    # 0: No Debug Logging 1: Debug Logging

    set debug 1

    # Persist timeout (seconds)

    set persist_ttl 7200


    # Using High-Speed Logging in thie rule

    set log_prefix   "\[$static::RULE_ID\]([IP::client_addr])"

    set log_prefix_d "$log_prefix\(debug\)"



    if {$debug}{log local0.debug "$log_prefix_d  ***** iRule: \

        $static::RULE_NAME executed *****"}


    if { [UDP::payload length] < 200 } {

        log "$log_prefix Ignored due to length\(less than 200 octet\)"



    } else {

        # BOOTP

        binary scan [UDP::payload] ccccH8SB1xa4a4a4a4H2H2H2H2H2H2 \

            msg_type hw_type hw_len hops transaction_id seconds\

            bootp_flags client_ip_hex your_ip_hex server_ip_hex \

            relay_ip_hex m(a) m(b) m(c) m(d) m(e) m(f)


        # Put client address into variables for session key

        set your_ip [IP::addr $your_ip_hex mask]

        set client_mac "$m(a):$m(b):$m(c):$m(d):$m(e):$m(f)"




        binary scan [UDP::payload] H32H64H128H8 \

            padding server_host_name boot_file magic_cookie


        if {$debug}{log local0.debug "$log_prefix_d  BOOTP: $your_ip $client_mac"}


        # DHCP

        binary scan [UDP::payload] x240H* dhcp_option_payload


        set option_hex 0

        set options_length [expr {([UDP::payload length] -240) * 2 }]

        for {set i 0} {$i < $options_length} {incr i [expr { $length * 2 + 2 }]} {


            # extract option value and convert into decimal

            # for human readability

            binary scan $dhcp_option_payload x[expr $i]a2 option_hex

            set option [expr 0x$option_hex]


            # move index to get length field

            incr i 2


            # extract length value and convert length from Hex string to decimal

            binary scan $dhcp_option_payload x[expr $i]a2 length_hex

            set length [expr 0x$length_hex]


            # extract value field in hexadecimal format

            binary scan $dhcp_option_payload x[expr $i + 2]a[expr { $length * 2 }] value_hex


            set value ""

            switch $option {


                61 {

                # Client Identifier

                # This option is used by DHCP clients to specify their unique

                # identifier.  DHCP servers use this value to index their database of

                # address bindings.  This value is expected to be unique for all

                # clients in an administrative domain.


                    binary scan $value_hex a2a* ht id

                    switch $ht {

                        01 {

                            binary scan $id a2a2a2a2a2a2 m(a) m(b) m(c) m(d) m(e) m(f)

                            set value "$m(a)-$m(b)-$m(c)-$m(d)-$m(e)-$m(f)"

                            set option61 "$value"

                            # Normalize MAC address to upper case

                            set mac_up [string toupper $option61]



                        default {

                            set value "$id"








    persist uie $mac_up $persist_ttl

    set target [persist lookup uie $mac_up]

    if {$debug}{log local0.debug "$log_prefix_d  ***** iRule: $static::RULE_NAME competed ***** MAC=$option61 Normal MAC=$mac_up TARGET=$target"}




Persistence Profile: dhcp_sticky



Pool: profiling_dhcp_pool




Virtual server: ise_profiling_dhcp





Pool: profiling_snmptrap_pool





Persistence : profiling_source_addr 



Virtual Server:  ise_profiling_snmptrap 





WLC: SNMP trap receiver



Testing COA










Load Balancing ISE Web Services





Sponsor portal



TCP Profile: ise_https_tcp




Persistence profile: https_sticky



Health Monitor:  ise_https_8445



GET /sponsorportal/PortalSetup.action?portal=370331ec-3561-4667-8599-f30b5b60f89a HTTP/1.1\r\nUser-Agent: BigIP-LTM-Probe/1.0\r\nHost:\r\nConnection: Close\r\n\r\n



Pool: web_portals_pool



Virtual server: ise_https8445_portals





Virtual server: ise_https_portals






Profile: service: http/2 - ISE_HTTP





Policy: ise_http_redirect_policy









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