Sunday, 13 April 2014

Cisco Router Fails to Boot Up Summary

If you haven’t powered recycled and rebooted, show version, however, shows the following:

Router uptime is 2 days, 3 hours, 5 minutes
System restarted by error − a SegV exception, PC 0x80245F7C
System image file is "flash:c2800−js−mz.120−9.bin"
Also shows error messages on control panel
*** System received a SegV exception ***
signal= 0xb, code= 0x1200, context= 0x80d15094
PC = 0x80678854, Vector = 0x1200, SP = 0x80fcf170
Please refer to here:

%ERR−1−GT64010 Motherboard error, please RMA.
%ERR−1−GT64010: Fatal error, PCI Master read
cause=0x0120E483, mask=0x0CD01F00, real_cause=0x00000400
bus_err_high=0x00000000, bus_err_low=0x04080000, addr_decode_err=0x14000470

ISO crashs
While booting, Router may have diagnosed error with ISO. Router shows “ compressed image checksum is incorrect” message, and tries to reboot itself. Also marks it as booting error caused by software.

Error: compressed image checksum is incorrect 0x54B2C70A
Expected a checksum of 0x04B2C70A
*** System received a Software forced crash ***
signal= 0x17, code= 0x5, context= 0x0
PC = 0x800080d4, Cause = 0x20, Status Reg = 0x3041f003

Please reload image to solve this issue.

“Watch Dog” timeout
“Watch Dog” consists of two types.
First is caused by software
show version
"System returned to ROM by bus error at PC 0x602DADE0, address 0x480811"
− or –
"System returned to ROM by error − a Software forced crash, PC 0x60435894"

%SYS−2−WATCHDOG: Process aborted on watchdog timeout
Second type is “Watch Dog” caused by hardware
show version
Router uptime is 17 minutes
System returned to ROM by watchdog timer expired
System returned to ROM by watchdog timer expired
*** Watch Dog Timeout ***
PC = 0x800001b4, SP = 0x61e19590

Error caused by software, please refer to the below link for the further investigation:

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