Tuesday, 15 April 2014

UCCX9 Working with XML Document

Thanks to DrVoIP’s amazing video!
No TTS server available in uccx yet.
Upload xml file to uccx
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <Technician ID="1234">
    <Technician ID="5678">
    <Technician ID="9123">
    <Technician ID="1212">

Create input value
Create document value that was uploaded to uccx in first step
Create begin value with -   "//Technician[@ID='"
, which is the a beginning part of xpath expression
Create ending parts of the xpath expression

Create container values to place searching results
Create promt values
Create an empty string value for last name
Getting digits input from the caller and play promt 

Output the input digits into “employee” string value


Specify xml doc file to read

Stick all values together into a complete xpath expression with “+” sighs, and output to the result strings

Generate promt for employee name. No TTS server is used


Generate promt for country value

Generate promt for cell phone value

Generate promt for charge amount value

Play all promts together at play promt value


Ps: you also can paste the xml file into the value:
At the beginning, put “TEST[” ahead of the xml code


Ending with a square bracket

for download

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