This is a migration from CUCM7.1.5(MCS server) to CUCM10(EXSI)
The prerequisites before the change:
- Please make sure if the current the version of CUCM is able to be upgraded to 10.0. The document: “Cisco Unified Communications Manager Software Compatibility Matrix”
- Note the latest version of CUCM (10.0) is not available in mentioned document. Please check another document here:
“Compatibility Information Cisco Unified Communications Manager 10.x”
- Download the attachment from “Upgrading Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM) to Version 9.1 (Drive to 9)”
Detail steps of upgrading:
In the OS management page, click show > software , and then download all active firmwares
Build DRS backup for current version (CUCM 7.1.5)
Install a brand-new CUCM7.1.5 in virtual machine. Btw install image is able to be download from cisco, and make it bootable.
Note: to make sure backup file is recoverable after imported, there are following settings that is needed to be the same:
- Ip address
- Hostname
- NTP server
- Two administration passwords – login configurations web, and one is for os.
- Password for database
Install all firmware that downloaded from MCS to the CUCM in the virtual machine
Restore DRS in the CUCM in the virtual machine
Install ciscocm.refresh_upgrade_v1.3.cop.sgn in CUCM , the version is at least V1.2 or above
Note: this is mandatory install file for upgrading
- This is a document for upgrading between “restricted” version. If you have “unrestricted” version, there is a need to install different files.
- We use restricted version very often. But how do we recognize if it is a restricted or unrestricted version?:
- unrestricted version,
- also, the name of install image will tell you it’s an unrestricted version
Update version to CUCM10 in virtual machine.
Because of a big leap of migration, the console screen on the server will turn into blue background rather than the process of web upgrading. It will take roughly three and a half hours to upgrading.
When upgrading, SFTP server is needed. if the path, username and password are correct, upgrade file is unable to find. It’s could be the wrong file name of the file for uploading. Be sure the name must be the beginning of “UCSInstall”.
After the upgrading, login in the console page, but you may find the version is still not changed.
Please check show > software in the OS configuration page, and then you will find that there is an 10.0 version that is in the inactive state. Please click “switchover” and restart the server.
After booting 10.0 cucm, you will find there is an error message as below: ![F:\qq\121112666\Image\LEN9VDEB4)]~$JHG$9A]U`5.jpg](
error-unsupported: partitions unaligned
it’s an error of hard drive. But you still can use the server as usual.
According to cisco document, we need a DRS backup of current CUCM, and then install a new CUCM 10.
In CUCM 10, there is a software to manage licenses called Prime Licensing Manager (PLM),
However, the admin has to set password for login.
In the CLI:
license management list users
license management change user name
license management change user password
if you wish to change the password, please refer to “Cisco Prime License Manager User Guide, Release 10.0(1)”
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