After the integration of between uccx9 and exchange, the potential customers can fill in and send out contact info so that matching a http script is able to send the info to email box of customer support. An agent answers these enquires through Agent Desktop as soon as the emails are received.
Send Connectors is to allow uccx sending email out via exchange
e-mail configuration in uccx
the code that triggers and posts “lastname” and “emailaddr” values matches the script
<title>cisco web callback form</title>
<CENTER><FORM METHOD="post" action="">
<DIV>Please enter customer info. Our agents will contact you soon. Thanks!
my last name is :
<INPUT NAME="lastname" TYPE="text" SIZE="20"><br>
my email is :
<INPUT NAME="emailaddr" TYPE="text" SIZE="20"><br>
Code a web page in response to tell customer an agent will be in touch
<title>Thanks for your request</title>
<center><p>We will contact you shortly!</p></center>
Add valuables in the script as below
Match posted values and store them to specific valuables
Set customer support email box
Set email subject
Create email body using expression editor
StringBuffer myBuf = new StringBuffer();
String newLine = System.getProperty("line.separator");
myBuf.append("Dear business partner," + newLine);
myBuf.append("I am a new potential customer. tell me who is a sales rep for further discussion." + newLine + newLine);
myBuf.append("Sincerely," + newLine );
myBuf.append( lastname );
return myBuf;
Create email format
Specify recipient address and send the email
Redirect web page responding the customer that we’ve got the info
Agent Desktop is showing that an email was with the customer's info was received
Reply to customer
Replying is received showing in customer’s mailbox
Here an agent also can transfer customer’s emails to other agents of different CSQs
As long as these CSQs are configured
script for download:
could you share the script with me